Golden, Star Wars: Dark Disciple, Theaker’s Quarterly 68 (December 2020). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (18 January 2021).

Goss, Doctor Who: City of Death, Theaker’s Quarterly 53 (January 2016). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (18 January 2016).
Gribbin, Computing With Quantum Cats, Theaker’s Quarterly 46 (Winter 2013).

Hamilton, The Abyss Beyond Dreams, (Posted 6 November, 2014).
Hendee, First and Last Sorcerer, (Posted 24 February, 2015).

Holt, Blonde Bombshell, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #47 (2010). Reprinted: ResAliens 3 (May / June 2010).
Holt, Doughnut, (Posted 11 June, 2013).

Holt, The Good, The Bad and The Smug, Shoreline of Infinity 1 (Summer, 2015).
Holt, The Outsorcerer’s Apprentice, (Posted 18 September, 2014).

Holt, When It’s A Jar, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #59 (2014).
Kalin, Cherry Crow Children, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #61 (2015).

Koosis, Resurrecting Sunshine, Theaker’s Quarterly 59 (April 2017). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (28 August 2017).