
Untitled Poem, Short and Twisted (2009). Life, as observed over breakfast, the morning after rejection.

Victoria Falls, The Sand Canyon Review (2016). In which Robert Mugabe is given the farewell he deserves.

What Happened to the Light? Perceptions (2023). In which a faulty light casts flickers over society.

The Woman at the End of the Hall, Tales of the Unanticipated 32 (2018). In which a cabinet takes on ghostly appearance and comes to be missed.

Worlds in Collision, rip/torn 3 (Spring / Summer 2014). In which the dual/duel homophone rains down and human nature struggles to take its course.

Your Daily Fix in a Tin, Orbis 167 (Spring 2014). In which our future selves do their best to cope with working life.