True Stories


Aunty Ettie’s Elephant, Vintage Script 6 (Summer 2012). Wherein the author visits his Nanna, cake is consumed and the familiar tales of yesteryear come suddenly to feature a heretofore unheard-of elephant.

The Library Challenge, The Lifted Brow 5 (August 2009). Inspired by Phileas Fogg, the Blues Brothers, and a somewhat derring-do love of books, the author and his brother endeavour to visit and borrow from all thirty-two Brisbane council libraries in a single 9-5 working day.

The Plan to Kidnap Veny Armanno, Perceptions (2016). The die slides and skitters across the table, pinballing between shot-glasses and steiners filled with Coca-Cola. Roll again, roll again; and then, with a decidedly impish bump, a possum drops onto the roof. Standish pauses, her pie-holder abandoned somewhere between history and art and literature. She looks up at us and says, “Let’s kidnap Veny Armanno.”

Jacob Edwards