
Sanderson, Firefight, (Posted 3 March, 2015).
Schreiber, Star Wars: Maul – Lockdown, Theaker’s Quarterly 48 (Summer 2014). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (17 October 2014).

Seuss, The Bippolo Seed, Theaker’s Quarterly 40 (Spring 2012). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (14 May 2012). Reprinted: Beyond Centauri 9.1 (July 2012).
Venter, Life at the Speed of Life, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #59 (2014).

Weber & Zahn, A Call to Duty (Book 1 of Manticore Ascendant), (Posted 7 January, 2015).
Zahn, Cobra Gamble, Theaker’s Quarterly 40 (Spring 2012). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (11 June 2012).

Zahn, A Coming of Age, Theaker’s Quarterly 43 (Spring 2013). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (11 May 2013).
Zahn, Pawn: A Chronicle of the Sibyl’s War, Theaker’s Quarterly 61 (January 2018). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly BlogSpot (14 August 2018).

Zahn, Star Wars: Scoundrels, Theaker’s Quarterly 44 (Summer 2013). Posted: Theaker’s Quarterly Blogspot (4 October 2013).
Zahn, Star Wars: Thrawn, (Posted 27 June, 2017).