
If Theodor Geisel Ruled the World, Windmills 7 (Spring 2011). In which the world’s wealthiest people are left to fend for themselves in the desert, armed with nothing other than what made them rich in the first place.

If you like…, Theaker’s Quarterly 59 (April 2017). A review in poetic form of “Assassin’s Creed”, dir. Justin Kurzel.

Imperative, Emrys Journal 30 (2013). In which the next space race hatches.

In Memory of Flave, 2023 Sejong International Sijo Competition, Honourable Mention. In which a grand old gentleman’s passing is marked.

Jousting With Breadsticks, Rubbertop Review 6 (2014). In which history repeats and dinner party conversations are re-enacted.

A Kilowatt of Kakapos, A Kilovolt of Kiwis, Perceptions (2016). In which the poet envisages some retroactive evolutionary tweaks in the land of the long white cloud.